Friday, November 25, 2011

F money can't buy love, the why do people buy these expensive marriage rings and expensive weddings?

Like, a future husband will buy an expensive ring 4 her future wife and pay 4 an BIG wedding.

And about 96% of the tyme those marriages don't even last long.

Why can't couples can jus be simple and jus get a ring that's REALLY worth something in the inside than jus or havin an enormous price tag and having a simple wedding than big weddings.F money can't buy love, the why do people buy these expensive marriage rings and expensive weddings?
The wedding ring thing is a tradition, but there is no rule that you have to have rings to be married (or a big expensive wedding) All you need is a marriage certificate. Money doesn't buy love. People just like to celebrate there love with these things that usually happen to cost a lot of money. The couples feelings on these things or value for tradition will determine how they will celebrate their marriage. There is no wrong or right way.F money can't buy love, the why do people buy these expensive marriage rings and expensive weddings?
They are already in love with they buy the weddings rings so it has nothing to do with money buying love.

The history of engagement rings are,

In the earlier years, I'm not quite sure exactly when 1800 or earlier, men would buy their wives expensive engagement rings as an insurance policy or savings account. In case anything happened to the men (death), their wives could sell the engagement ring and have some means of support for their family, since women didn't work.

I guess it's just kind of stuck.
Number one foo..

Money is not everything its the love that matters

and in myy oppinion a piece of silver or gold should not have to be expensive to insinuate that you ******* love the god damn person this question personally pisses me off cause not everything is about money be happy with what you have... gum ball rings will work for me as long as i am with the one and only true person i will love forever!

I'm not tripping out or anything just saying. :]]
It's Money Over Everything..

That's the way its taught..


What is your opinion of the former Miss California's opinion concerning gay marriage?

What is your opinion of President Barack Obama's opinion concerning gay marriage?What is your opinion of the former Miss California's opinion concerning gay marriage?
I agree wth him

its just an opinion

let the nation decide

not the gay judgeWhat is your opinion of the former Miss California's opinion concerning gay marriage?
I think it was tacky. America is a land of free speech, and I fully support her rights to express her opinion. I respect that she did not lie.

But she should realize that she has offended many people. Let's switch it up by fourty years; what if she had said she was against blacks and whites getting married? It is her opinion, and her religious beleif, and she is entitled to it, but would that have embraced the American dream of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all people?

And while I wish Obama was more supportive, I think he has the strength of character to do what is right, no matter his personal opinion.
if she said it was wrong , she was right

ask any parent of a new born child if they wished and hoped that their new born grows up to be gay the vast majority will say no---- the rest are in denial--- therefore her opinion is correct and should be congratulated
Former Miss California has a right to her own opinion and I don't agree with them. But she needs to go away now and stop telling everyone about her problems. No one cares. Her 30 seconds of fame are way over. Kick rocks FORMER Miss California.
i think everyone should believe what they want to believe.

I think it's true she lost because of that question - which sucks because now it's 'wrong' to believe what we want to... =\ and now we have to be politically correct.
We live in the United States of America. the greatest country in the world! In this country we believe in freedom of speech. For her to get her title taken away b/c of what she said makes me sick.
About the same as the banning of gay marriages by that state - brutal.
She's not Miss California anymore, so her opinion is irrelevant.
I agree with Obama. And I think it should be illegal though to take her crown away just becuase she had an opinion. This is America we have freedom of speech!
fun fact: the former miss california is my elementary school teacher's daughter!
I think everyone is entitled to their own opinion and at least she didnt lie.

I think she should have kept her crown.
Her opinion counts for nothing
Mr Trump. needs to reinstate her . Long Live Marriage Adam and Eve style no Adam and Steve
she can think what she wants.
who is she, does nt say much for her views.
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    How did the 'moral values' of government employees including the elimination of traditional marriage structure?

    contribute to the legitimacy via legislation passage of multiple spouses and children from various women--via government agencies supervision

    ?How did the 'moral values' of government employees including the elimination of traditional marriage structure?
    are asking us to do your homework for you? or maybe a take home test?How did the 'moral values' of government employees including the elimination of traditional marriage structure?
    Our government bureaucracy is filled with products of

    the multi-generational governmental public housing / welfare system which has little / no values attached to marriage

    and children from married two parent families.
    you are refering to paligamy, right?
    Christ, this sounds like a question from the Bar Exam...

    What does it mean to ';redefine marriage out of existence';?

    Can someone explain to me what is meant by that argument against homosexual marriage, that ';redefining'; marriage would be ';redefining it out of existence';? What does that mean? How do you redefine something out of existence? I'm not saying I feel one way or the other, it's just that I keep hearing people use that phrase when they talk about how gay marriage shouldn't be legal, but I have no idea what that means. Can someone explain?

    Again, I'm just asking, not taking either side... so don't label me a liberal, conservative, Christian, athiest or whatever. Just curious.What does it mean to ';redefine marriage out of existence';?
    The last thing in this world I ever want to do is saddle someone with a label. We do not fit into nice, neat little packages...and it is such a heated topic; I feel brave just coming here. The only thing I can say is that when you give love; when you receive love...then you honor all that is good in life...and God doesn't care if you have a piece of paper to do it...or where you came from...or who you are...for your loving spirit will speak above all other voices.

    I am very understanding of many things, I see both sides of the issue...and I prefer to remain neutral...but what they mean is that it threatens and challenges everything we perceive as marriage...mainly a traditional (and hopefully, loving) union between a man and woman...and it often includes the words...';in the eyes of God';...and it did not include any other concept of marriage. I hope this answers your question.What does it mean to ';redefine marriage out of existence';?
    ';Redefining {something} out of existence'; means that you have changed the meaning of the word so drastically that the perceived original meaning of the word is lost.

    The argument basically boils down to ';I can't defend my idea if that's what the word means. By agreeing to your interpretation of the word, then my position would be wrong.';

    What are the penalties for gay marriage in places its illegal?

    i cant find any info on the net for this, its for a legal studies assignment and its driving me insane.

    also, what time of law is it? is it criminal or civil?

    websites that gives you a good understanding of all the aspects, pros and cons of gay marriage and the law would be GREATLY appreciated!!!What are the penalties for gay marriage in places its illegal?
    the only way to be legally married would be to do it in a state which still allows it. I believe Massachusetts, Connecticut, California among a few other states still allow gay marriages. What are the penalties for gay marriage in places its illegal?
    If nobody asks, don't tell! It's none of anyone's business WHO you live with!! There is no law saying two people of the same genda can't live together! If you want to get married, go to a state where they allow it! Then go back home and get on with your lives! What puzzles me is this! Nothing is done about two people, male and female, living together without a marriage certificate (look how many movie stars are doing that right now!) and nobody says BOO! So what's the difference between them and two girls/boys doing the same thing!? The laws in this country are all screwed up! You are looking at 50 different sets of rules! I think there should be one set of Laws for everyone to follow!
    It's just not recognized. You can have a ceremony but you cannot file it with the clerk. You will not get into trouble at all, it will just be ignored.
    There's no penalty for it - the state just won't issue a licence and doesn't recognize the marriage as valid if the ceremony is performed.
    There's no penalty for it, it's simply not recognized as a legal contract. Laws pertaining to marriage are civil laws.
    how can they get married if it is illegal???

    and if they do, i would just guess that the marriage was invalid, not recognized.
    Death by firing squad

    I would like to wait until marriage to have sex and my boyfriend has been really patient and understanding but?

    I feel really bad for him. Even though he hasn't pushed the issue, I feel like I'm being unfair and should break up with him even though we're in love. Is this enough grounds for a breakup?I would like to wait until marriage to have sex and my boyfriend has been really patient and understanding but?
    If you love him, why consider breaking up? This makes no sense at all.

    It's your right to wait as long as you feel you should. He should be OK with that. In the meantime, there are some things the two of you can do together that aren't sex, but which you'd both find enjoyable, if you're willing to consider some more limited forms of activity.I would like to wait until marriage to have sex and my boyfriend has been really patient and understanding but?
    You are being paranoid about something that you shouldn't be. You are literally waiting for a conflict that isn't happening right now. If he is being patient and understanding, then stop expecting something bad to happen. It may have happened in your past, or you may have seen it happen to others. It doesn't mean that this guy will be like this. It isn't grounds to break up at all. Let me put it this way. My fiance has promised to be faithful to me at all times. If I believed he MAY cheat and break up with him based on my paranoia, I'm not being fair. You would be doing the same thing if you broke up with your boyfriend for what you think he MAY do in the future -- maybe -- sometime. Don't assume his actions and base your actions off that assumption before he even has a CHANCE to act.
    No, don't break up with him. Why do you want to wait? Its really not as ';Special'; these days as it used to be. Would you buy a car without test driving it first. What if he is horrible? Extra small... tool..? But your married and then its kind of too late without having to get a divorce. Then you'll end up cheating on him and then you'll have a baby with him, cheat on him some more because he is horrible, then get a divorce.. you might as well test it out first.. then if it is good and you like everything.. then your good to go. But then you really won't have anything to compare it too, so you'll end up cheating on him anyways..

    I would suggest sleeping with about 4 other guys, at least twice each, so you know how other guys are.. then you'll have something to compare it to. Everyone might think I'm a d*** or whatever, but I have been with several married girls that lost it to the guy they married and it just wasn't enough... Test drive before you buy!
    No this isn't unfair! It is your body and you have every right to wait until marriage. That's actually a very good moral value. He loves you, and if you break up with him after he's waiting for you, that would be unfair. Stay with your guy, you've found a genuine one, and you are very lucky indeed.
    If he's still with you and respects your decision, that's his choice. I don't understand why you're having an issue, unless you're having doubt about your own beliefs and choices. If he kept asking for sex or has been thinking about sex with another, that might be cause to discuss parting ways (because of different needs). But until then, stop worrying.
    I ALWAYS say no to these questions. What if you get married and have sex and you don't like it. SURPRISE some women DON'T like sex. Also if the man is STUPID enought to marry a girl before he check's her out in bed, he may find that a sexually inexperienced female is NOT a good lay. Good sex is learned your not born with the ability to ';give'; great sex.
    yeah he shouldve broken up with you as soon as you said ';sex'; and ';marriage'; and ';wait.';

    you dont have to break up with him, but if you have any sort of sympathy youd make sure he was happy. esp if hes going to stick with you and your uptighedness.
    HELL NO, You have a real good man if he is waiting until you get married!!! I don't know any of my friends doing that, I'm 40. You would rather leave him than give a great man some sex. You will never have sex in your life because you probably won't ever find another real man like you have know!!!


    GO DO HIM!!!
    This really isnt grounds for a breakup. Especially when he is being so understanding. Thats a very good quality in a guy and you would be stupid to let go of him. He is respecting your desicion and not pushing you. I would feel very lucky to have a guy like him.
    You don't have to have sex with anyone, Until you are ready. If your bf understands that, then there's no problem. If he doesn't understand that and is trying to pressure you, then it's time to dump him. It's your life, your body, and your decision. Always.
    wow! how do u want to break up with a guy who is actually waiting for u! do u know how many girls want that! anyways u shouldnt break up with him be thankful and if u dodnt want to have sex until u are married but feel bad then just mess around u know play sexually just not have sex
    if it wasn't fair for him then he would complain

    if he is fine then don't worry about it.

    but i would advise you to tell him how you feel. it will help you feel better plus make him feel close to you.
    of course not! It is absolutely ABSURD not to be married when you have sex. Don't brake up because of that, but if he thinks its okay to have it before marriage, there is a slight problem there.
    No. If he is understanding, breaking up will only confuse him (and you)

    Since you love each other, keep it that is not sex, sex is not love
    it depends how old you and the guy are. but you should really wait for marriage. i wish i did. and no dont breakup.
    Um....well, that's completely up to you. If you want to wait, then wait. Dont let your ';i want to be a good girlfriend'; mindset set in. This is your body. Do what you choose.
    The same thing is happening to me and i believeif he's willing to wait then he must really respect you.Dont brake up he trully loves you!'ve got a good man. keep him. he respects, loves, and cares about you. there's no reason to dump him over that.
    No, If you want to wait and hes willing to wait with you then you should wait.
    querida, there is absolutely no problem in your relationship. leave it alone.
    if his willing to wait for you then he must really love you,you shouldnt break his heart.