Friday, November 25, 2011

Do you ever feel wrong about marriage and children?

I'm gay and I'm for the whole pride thing, but i feel wrong about being gay and having kids and marriage. Don't criticize me, I mean only wrong for myself. I feel like i couldn't adopt a child, with all the drama, especially having to tell them that they have 2 daddies. Plus i would feel wrong doing the actual wedding, it just seems really wrong. Like when i think of marriage i think of man and woman. I don't know why i feel this way so don't get angry at me.Do you ever feel wrong about marriage and children?
There is no one who can tell you what is right for you, only you know what is right for you, but that doesn't mean that it isn't right for others.

I'm sure that a child growing up in a gay household is quite capable of working out for him/herself that he/she has two mummies/daddies without having to be told. You may have to explain the difference between your household and a straight household, but why is this any different than a Catholic parent explaining the difference between their house and a Jewish house?

There will always be differences that is what makes the world such a wonderful place. If everybody was the same, what a boring place the world would be, although I am sure people like George W. Bush would be very happy - so long as we were all like him.Do you ever feel wrong about marriage and children?
it really doesn't bother me that people are gay/lesbian. i have lots of friends and co-workers that are gay/lesbian. personally, i do think there is a reason why a woman has a vagina and a man has a penis. personally, if its not natural, then i do not think its healthy. however, it is more common now days to find families with two moms or two dads so i think as time goes on it will be more comfortable for those people and the ones around them to see that. also something to think about... a straight couple could mess a child up just as much or more as a gay/lesbian couple. when it comes down to it... its about that individual and not that individuals sexual orientation. also... who can judge you? what makes the ';judge'; normal?
Uhmm I dont know , as a woman i have the dream of having kids someday is just something natural to me , about marriage too , being lesbian or gay or whatever doesnt change anything about that I would love to have a family but i agree with you its a little bit complicated to explain to your kid why he has two daddies , that is not an obstacle to me is just something hard to deal with.
Julia D,

I don't think you are any different to many gay men and women. My partner and i would like to have children but there are many, many things to consider, the main one being the welfare of the child or children, finances come in to it so does the attitude of people around you, bottom line is, could you raise children in a safe, loving environment?

Don't beat your self up mate, it's your choice. As far as marriage goes, my partner and I had a civil service nearly two years ago, it's fine for us, but each to their own.

Kind Regards
Well a lot of answers here are going to say I don't care what people think, or i'll make a great parent with my partner. This isn't about you and your partner. You need to think about the kids. As far as the old adage it will influence the kids sexuality, that's crap. But in a few places the kid better have thick skin or come out fighting when the bell rings.And the biggest reason, you talk about being born with a bunch of different personality traits.The ones that make us gay or straight. Psychopaths or genius, right or left handed.This kid won't have a maternal bond being adopted.So as he or she gets older and influenced by his or her piers things might not look so good.If you do go through and do this, Good Luck.
When I was younger I swore that I would never have children. I went through bullying at school and was pretty down on myself. I didn't want to put my child through that and didnt think I would be a good role model etc

But as I have gotten older I discovered my maternal instinct is very strong just because im a lesbian it doesn't stop me wanting to be a mum. I know that I would always love my child and make sure they had the best upbringing I could give them.

As for marriage im not really sure. Here in the Uk we have a thing called a Civil Partnership. I think its good because it has all the same legal rights as marriage we just don't use the actual word..Maybe 1 day for marriage but right now im just happy with how my relationship is.

theres nothing wrong to have kids even u r gay.

but u must know havin kids is a huge responsibility

im lesbian n i have three wonderful boys.

my wife n i r so happy when they r around.

yeah they r a bit confused havin 2 mummy

it takes time to xplain n for them to understand.

plus u urself have to be ready to face all trouble

when havin a child.
Nope. Never felt wrong about it, at all.

I want to get married, to stand in front of my family and friends and declare my love for a special person. Nothing will ever be wrong with that.

And if the hardest thing about raising a kid is telling him that he has 2 daddies then I'm in for a fkn easy job.
you are entittled to your opinion this is America. For example I am a minority but I am not for affirmative action. We just see the loop whole in these 'ideals'.
I don't think there's anything wrong with it, the kids would just have a rough social life.

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