Friday, November 25, 2011

What do you think about gay marriage?

I was so upset over this gay marriage bs. What is the big deal? They let us adopt children why are they so upset over two people of the same sex getting married, Why not just let them(us)be happy just like the straights?What do you think about gay marriage?
Quite frankly, I'm pretty much over it by now.

While I still throw my support behind gay marriage (simply because I think most opposition to it is idiotic and ridiculous, if not outright homophobic and based on religious arguments that threaten our separation of church and state), I don't think it's the best choice for everybody.

In reality, I'd preferably have there be no such thing as marriage, period (and have everybody- gay, straight, monoamorous or polyamorous- go to an attorney and write up contracts for ownership of assets, inheritance, and power of medical and financial attorney). That would completely free up all these silly back-and-forth arguments about gay marriage and civil unions and domestic partnerships and DOMA, would help mainstream and normalize non-traditional families, as well as end the systematic favoring of partnered people over single people.What do you think about gay marriage?
They say it's corrupting society and all that hoo-ha... Usually from the religious/moral crusaders, etc.

I agree with you, I don't understand the issue. As long as we're happy and everything, we're causing no harm in asking to have a marriage recognised the same as a straight marriage...
You're asking us? And unfortunately not all states allow for gay adoption still. It's really sad.

It's the right-wingers who need something to complain about.
At first I was pissed after prop 8 passed here in California but I'm kinda over it now. It's sad still but they can't stop us from having ceremonies and being committed to each other. Me and my fiance are still getting married regardless of what the law says. And I feel sorry for those ignorant people that voted for prop 8 because their whole thing was religion the only problem with that is now gay people can only be married religiously or spiritually so they really didnt do shi* to help their religion
gender is doesn't matter, love does. many kids out there dont have mom or dad, some dont have either. so same sex parents is better than just one parent or none.
What I think is two ideas. Let some millionaire start an airline to Canada gay marriage is legal there. Or let everyone who wants to get married get handfasted, at first it's like a trial for a year and a day then if you want to keep it going you can. I know, what about America? I've lost patience with it. I adopted 4 and nothing, no thank you, but then I didn't really want one.
idk something about gay marriages just doesn't seem right to me
I don't know about you, but I don't need a stupid piece of paper to justify my love.
because religious fanatics and nutjobs will always wield enormous power. It's sickening, their self-rightous behavior. How dare they dictate how others should live their lives? It make me sick to the core
.. Is it wrong for me to be Gay and actually not care about the whole marriage thing?

I mean, okay. It'd be great if we got that privilege. And not even great. It'd be absolutely fantastic if we did. But, I think we've already made it so far that we should just be appreciative of what we already do have.

Not that many years ago, people were killed, put in mental institutions, and even outed as demons for being Gay. Thankfully, it isn't like that now.

We have alot of rights as of now. And I think we just need to be satisfied, at least as of right now, and chill for a lil'. And then focus on the marriage. But still. We should be happy.

Since when does a lil' slip of paper or a lil' ceremony, justify your love anyhow?
I know. It just shows how much religion really does govern the law.
i think a lot of people are just not exposed to any gay people or any different life style but their own... I think if people stop judging, this world would be a happier place.
We just have to keep on fighting.

Show homophobics and right-wing conservatives that we won't give up. We have to remind them that love is a private matter, for only two people to share, and it shouldn't be the decision of others who we are allowed to marry, because they are simply not involved.

People are under some strange illusion that Gay marriage will somehow destroy the sanctity of their marriage. Yes, I suppose the sanctity of all the drunken Vegas weddings will be flushed down the toilet.

All the divorces will suffer too I'm sure. Lord knows we can't destroy the sanctity of that.
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