Positive? Negative?
I would totally be for it.Would you like to see gay marriage legal in Nevada?
Hey, if prostitution is legal there, why NOT gay marriage?
Could you imagine all the gay Elvis wedding chapels though? *cringe* scary. Gay Elvis's.Would you like to see gay marriage legal in Nevada?
Gay marriage shouldn't be legal ANYWHERE.
The American people agree.
31 states have protection from this. NO state in which the citizenry vote on the issue allow this. Only two states in which the rogue judiciary has created it practice this abomination.
You're in the minority on this.
Everything else is legal in Nevada, well almost. Why not; they could become trendsetters. Like everyone who thought Maine was like totally nude and liberal to gay this should not be discouragement.
Yeah, it doesn't bother me or affect me in any way.
What does bother me is that when human beings are denied their rights because of their sexual preference. It pisses me off.
I think gay marriage should be legalized everywhere.
I don't live in Nevada, but I think gay marriage should be legal everywhere. So yes!
I would like to see the Christians stay the heII out of my bedroom so I can marry who ever I want were ever I want when ever I want. Why are they so obsessed with our lives, Jealous?
well, you've got gambling %26amp; prostitution,
and it hasn't rained fire %26amp; brimstone ..
Well I don't live in Nevada but I want gay marriage in the whole country. So, I'd be for it!
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