Friday, July 30, 2010

If people want to protect the sanctity of marriage by banning gay marriage?

Why don't they try to ban divorce?

(I know there isn't really a point of posting here cause you all support gay marriage but I love you guys and want to know what you think :D)If people want to protect the sanctity of marriage by banning gay marriage?
Because people don't really want to protect the sanctity of marriage, they just want to prevent same-sex marriage. Homosexuality is still misunderstood by a lot of people and this causes fear and hatred. The push for equality must begin with education.If people want to protect the sanctity of marriage by banning gay marriage?
Protect what sanctity?

Marriage has not always been between a man and a woman, on the other hand Christian marriage always has been.

There are records around the world in several cultures that there were same sex unions/marriages that occurred.

in some native American tribes gay marriage and unions occurred

also in ancient Japan. Male Male love was considered the purest love.

Melanesia and in Papua New Guinea, before the introduction of Christianity homosexual relationships were the only recognized relationship

In ancient Rome gay marriage occurred. *during nero's time. ';The fact that marriage occurred between two men among the Romans is proved by a law in the Theodosian Code from the'; - the quoted is from wikipedia

in china and Greece it occurred mainly for guidance and was a temporary relationship usually.

Plus there is polygamy happing all over the world and in several Christian sects.

Edit: By saying that marriage is between a man and a woman would be imposing religious beliefs on individuals, so what happened to separation of church and state.
Exactly. They should make adultery illegal as well. I emailed Focus on the Family not long ago, and asked them to help me protect marriage by making divorce and adultery illegal. They never wrote back. Ha ha. I guess they don't care that much about the sanctity of marriage. They're a bunch of hypocrites.

And ban murderers, rapists, known child molestors, and MULTIPLE divorcees from marrying because right now they can under the condition they do it with a member of the opposite sex.

Ban interracial marriage because it used to be seen as ';unnatural';. Ban premarital sex because the bible says all sexual sins are equal and homosexuality is a sin so anyone who has sex before marriage is just as guilty as homosexuals.

I posed that argument long ago. No one appears to see reason though.

They hate homosexulity and are uncomfortable with same sex unions and they want them to suffer. All there is to it. There is NO valid reasons for banning same sex marriage:;…

EDIT: ';Alex N'; - So if the issue of gay marriage is decided on that homosexuals cannot produce children and so they cannot get married, you are saying that the old, and sterile/infertile couples, or just if a straight couple decides to not have children, then they should not be married?

That does NOT make logical sense! And homosexuality has been proved to be natural by almost every major mental and medical health organization in the US, the American Psychological Association being 1 of about 16:…

EDIT: ';sd619'; are you saying that if same sex marriage is legalized, then people will want to marry children? Aren't there laws against pedophlia that would have to be repealed if that were to happen? And don't you need to be of legal age to sign a marriage certificate anyway?

As for polygamy (marrying more than one person at a time) the bible condones it. So by saying, ';we have to keep marriage between a man and a woman because it's what God intended'; well the bible condones polygamy, so if it were to be made legal, then it would still be ';biblical';.

Like I said. NO logical arguments against gay marriage:

EDIT: Yes, ';Brandon C'; is right. Same sex marriage used to be legal in the churche's eyes:…
The number one argument used against gay marriage is that children can't be conceived and that marriage is for having children.

So, what conservatives *really* should push for is a law that any marriage which does not produce children within three years is automatically dissolved and void.
OMG!!!! If I would have had to stay married to my ex-husband one more day, I'd have killed myself!

People change. He was not the man I met in the beginning. It's said that a person's ';representative'; leaves after 6 months, lol

Banning divorce would not work! We have a better chance of waiting for gay marriage to be accepted and acknowledged!
I can't wait until gay marriage passes! Then I will fight for my right to marry 7 wives, because that is my lifestyle choice. My buddy Dan, he wants to marry his daughter (she wants to marry him too) so they can finally get married! Pass it, please, because once they say one group can do it, we all can do it. Finally, a wife for every day of the week, it's gonna be great.......and I'll make sure they teach that to your kids when you send them off to my school (I'm a 4th grade teacher by the way). Sleep tight!
I think that this argument is far too logical to occur to any of the idiot bigots and bible-thumpers who oppose equality and individual freedoms (which I thought were supposed to be the main premises of this nation).
oh never thought of that before! ban divorce...hmm...i'd have to think about that for a while. Would it be a good idea?
haha cause that whole argument about protecting marriage is dumb and they know it.
Banning divorce might increase the murder rate, though. Well, it was worth a try. Back to the drawing board.
Thank you Corrin...banning divorce BAD. It would definintely increase the murder and suicide rates.
Homosexuality is ridiculous. Why? It isin't natural. They cannot reproduce with their partners, so they are clearly not intended to be together.

As far as I'm concerned, there is no proof that Human Hormones attract a person to his or her own gender. The people who do most likely were dumped by someone of the other gender, and is feeling insecure.

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