Friday, July 30, 2010

Why would a husband cheat on wife after 1 year of marriage?

why does a husband cheat on his wife after 1 year of marriage?

what is the wife not doing for him? is the wife not pleasant?Why would a husband cheat on wife after 1 year of marriage?
because he had the desire and someone made their self available. my husband and i were married 10 yrs, no cheating, in fact i was really happy, and thought we would be together forever. but someone new was hired in the wallpaper business he worked for, and she saw in him something she needed in she pursued him, stroked his ego, made him promises and gave him whatever he wanted long enough to convince him to leave cheat because they really believe this other person has something the wife doesn't have, he cheats because its exciting, its something new. he cheats because he didn't get exactly what he wanted when he wanted it. he married before he was ready, he is trying to Escape something, usually its responsibility.Why would a husband cheat on wife after 1 year of marriage?
The simple truth is that there are those people who will cheat and those who won't. There is nothing you did wrong, nothing you didn't do for him. He was just selfish and only thinking of himself and ran off and did whatever it was that pleased him. Never caring about consequences or the pain it will cause.

Most men who have a history of cheating will never stop cheating. He could have been cheating the entire time while dating and all during the marriage. If he continues to get away with behaviors, then why would he feel he needs to stop them?

He needs real therapy with a certified therapist to find out exactly what triggers him to feel the need to have sex with other women. Does he like the falling into a romance, is he a sex addict, does he only feel like a man when he's conquering a women in bed? Only a therapist can get to the roots of that and find out the why's and try to help him work through it all. Even then, no guarantees he'll change.
Cheating is not a matter of timing. It is a matter of desire, opportunity, self esteem, respect and love for your committed mate and last but not least, morals. I don't cheat. I WANT to sometimes, but I forsake all others when I have a man who does it for me. My husband cheated because he found many opportunities after 3 years of what I thought was a good marriage. He also says he wasn't attracted to me but his pants said otherwise. Whatever. He can't have ME anymore.
I would think that the wife is not being the same as when they where just dating. Sex is very important in a marriage. It's not just about that but hey a man can get it anywhere else and he will. Maybe the wife is not fixing her self up anymore. Why would a man or a women want to come home to a spouse dressed the same as when they left. Some men are just A** also and cheat for no reason. Always try to be the best wife you can. What you won't do another will. So please you man in any way possible. Cooking, listening, love, affection, pleasure, sex, friendship, wife, husband. Lost of women let themselves go after having kids. They also start ignoring there spouse for the kids. Good Luck
There are several reasons a husband might stray on his wife.

She might not want as much sex as he does.

He may get other sexual pleasures, that the wife refuses to preform.

He just was in the right place at the right time found a woman in need.

But the most logical reason is that his natural instinct lead him to it.

and it has nothing to do with the wife. The male sex drive is many times more aggressive than the females, and that can be a curse sometimes, as the male seldom turns the other way.

It's sort of taboo but I think the time will come when religious views

marriage vows, morals and public attitudes will have to change to accept this stronger sex drive and not be so condemning when the male occasionally strays.

Good Luck - God Bless
Most of what I read is a bunch of bullsh-- and excuses for disrespectful and deceitful behavior. Cheating is a selfish, self centered choice, or act based on lust. If you are already cheating within a year of marriage then you should not have stood before GOD and made a commitment to forsake others. I don't think cheating is a manly act I think its a immature way to handle whatever issues are occurring in someones marriage.
You sound like you are of Indian decsent? In that case you have a whole different outlook on marriage than the western world. A woman ';not being pleasant'; is not a reason to cheat. As a matter of fact, most western men will agree that life being unpleasant is what they should expect as a pact of marriage. Us women here have ammunition and are ready to use it and it surprises me that you being of a foreign country don't understand this. You have arms over there. Go get them and kill him then demand that his family give back your sheep and whatever the hell else you gave him. He is a loser
No....he no doubt screwed around on you or other females before marriage as well. he does it because its not only food for his ego but because he believes he can get away with it by denial or having never been caught or called on it before.

watch....accuse him and he'll deny it. He'll figure you have no proof, only suspicions. If you have proof he'll blame you for the reason. Never, ever will he admit fault.

And you'd better pull your head out of your backside and stop thinking YOU are the reason for him dipping his wick elsewhere. get some self confidence and self esteem woman. If you're decent looking, well groomed and have superb hygiene and a great personality you'll be snatched up by other men in a heartbeat.
perhaps he wasn't very much in love when he married..perhaps she accepted to eassy to be his wife, and they didn't know each other very well, and sometimes men are looking for sex..and are tempted by sexy women..when they do not live a more spiritual life.trying to fullfill the comandemnst , or .and are not very dedicated to family...

if the wife has different views then him..other style of life, maybe she is not pleasant yes..maybe he likes to go to bars and restauranst..and the wife like to enjoy spending time with the child and husband but the husband search to joing friends in restaurants drink and entertain with them, and comes home late because the wife is not on his frequency..has no common points to talk..unfortunatelly ..the wife obey this husband..she is beautifull intelligent and she takes care of the baby..what should she do more..go with him to joing his friends who have no bars and restauranst and leave the child with a baby sitter?
people cheat because of unmet needs. it's not always needs for sex, sometimes intimacy, freedom etc. The important thing is to figure out what went wrong and CHANGE the relationship so that the needs can be met without the cheating in the future. If things don't change it is likely to repeat. perhaps he needed excitement or to feel attractive. The important thing is to communicate about what needs of his were met by the cheating. really try to understand.
He cheats because, he is a selfish man... I'm in a marriage of 31 years, and am dealing with the same thing. Found out 7 months ago. Yes, if I sound bitter? I am.... Just the same, I Love my husband very much. I saw proof, in writing of e-mails how it all got started. I'm more angry with the other woman for messing my happy marriage of 31 years. Yes, yes, and yes... I know that my husband is at fault by 200%, and more ! Just the same, my life is so totally, out of control, and very messed up right now. The simple truth is, YOU DID NOT DO ANYTHING WRONG !!!! I don't care what you find that you could have improvement on. You just do not cheat on a partner, whether it be you are married, or not. You go home. You tell your spouse/partner you are having issues, and you talk them out ! You just do not cheat on your partner. PERIOD ! It takes a very selfish person, to cheat, and it will forever be, NO REASON that you are at fault to be cheated on. NO ONE deserves such betrayal ! It's all about honesty and respect of your partner... Best of luck and I really hope that whatever comes of this, you have to remember that all you can do, is to be truthful to yourself, and love as much as you can - and life does move on, for all of us...
Why are you putting it on the wife? If he was a mature man he'd have a talk with his wife when things weren't going well. It just sound like he's wanting his cake and eating it too. He's just another selfish bas**rd that thinks only of his himself and his willy.

But, not all men do this...
i once read somewhere that most ppl cheat in the first year of a marriage. its cuz thats wen the honeymoon wears off so to speak and u get comfortable and start taken each other for granted and dont do the little things u did wen u were dating.
Because men often make the mistake that they can treat women badly.

Then of course the women takes his best friend, all his money %26amp; shows him she can hurt him more than he ever dreamed. He ends up so ill from it that he has to kill himself for hurting her.

Just Nature!
Don't blame yourself if you are talking about yourself. He's got the problem, not you. He probably has low self esteem and thinks he needs to validate himself by bagging other women. You may have a long road ahead full of tears if you stay with this guy.
if the husband cheats, it could not be the wife's fault. and if it is then the reason could be the missing passion. two people who are in love and get married should try to liven their lives up because it spices up life. things should not get monotonous.
After one year marriage the husband and the wife are over more than 100 intercourses (maybe more than 200), so he was curious of an other female in the same situation - what he has seen so many times with the wife.
He is a cheater. The length of time in a relationship does not matter to him. He was probably cheating before you got married. Better to find out now then after years and years.
Sometimes there is nothing wrong with the wife. He does it because he thinks he can get away with it, he loves the excitement and he loves the ego boost. Men can be really dumb.
Same reason why any man would cheat on his partner. He's not a faithful person. A ring on a finger and a piece of government issued paper doesn't make someone faithful.
studies have shown that the first year of the marriage has the highest rates of infidelity.
depends what has changed over the year...

is he:


lacking respect

lacking passion

lacking communication

needing desire

lacking self-respect
Something is missing in the marriage. If he had all of the key components (communication, trust and love), he would not feel the need to cheat.
Because he doesn't get at home what he gets outside.

probably she is pleasant but she probably isn't gelling with him sexually
DO NOT BLAME YOURSELF! He is a loser and needs a good smack. If you start questioning yourself he will use you as long as he can.
Usually a man who would do this didn't really want marriage to begin with.
1 year is as good a time to start cheating as any other.
My first wife was not ready to settle down. No problems with the other items.
Cuz his young-minded and probably wasn't ready for committment

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