Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How do you feel about prop 8 passing in California and banning gay marriage ?

I am glad it passedHow do you feel about prop 8 passing in California and banning gay marriage ?
Once again, ';The people have spoken';. Unfortunately, I believe it will be only a matter of time before some judge(s) decide to make law instead of interpreting it and once again override the ';Will of the people';.How do you feel about prop 8 passing in California and banning gay marriage ?
The Constitutional structure and brilliance of the founders' vision of America is that the people are not allowed to simply by majority vote decide whether minorities get fundamental rights. Mob rule, even at the ballot box, is unAmerican. ===

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Why glad it passed? Why insist that the Constitution enforce only your view of how everyone can act?

This amendment violates the spirit of the Constitution in many ways:

1) It violates freedom of religion. The churches and religions that believe in the sanctity of gay marriages as well as straight marriages are banned from practicing their religion.

2) It establishes a religious view of marriage for state marriages.

3) It violates the rights of privacy and association for gays.

4) and, of course, it discriminates against a discrete and insular minority on the basis of their minority status.

Also -- it is a very activist amendment. Any true conservative should oppose the ban on gay marriages because:

1) It is the ultimate in big government telling individuals what they can and cannot do.

2) Conservatives should be encouraging stable marriages and relationships and the integration into the institutions of civil society of all citizens.

Churches should be very wary of this move. My grandfather was a minister who taught me that the worst thing for the church will be when the separation of church and state breaks down, because when the government starts dictating to one group about religion, soon it will dictate to all.

Is there any argument for a ban on gay marriage that makes sense, other than the argument that gays are bad?
I think it's sad that it passed. And I also don't like that straight people get to vote on how they think gay people live their lives. Period blank there shouldn't be a law on it at all! On civil unions yes, but it is the CHURCH's decision on who gets married in their church, not the governments decision.

This is who I look at it: If gays are granted the same rights as straight people, who is it hurting? Is it going to hurt straight people in any way? No. Is it going to make a lot of gay people very happy? Yes. Will it put an end to alot of insurance fraud that is stemming from gays not getting the same rights as straights? Yes. The only things that can come from it, is positive things.

I don't see what the big deal is.
I'm pleased. If the people against it bend, or if liberal judges overturn the vote against the will of the people (which is likely), it will open doors to passages we don't wanna go down. If legal gay marriage becomes accepted, what's next, are the creeps who like banging farm animals gonna want marriage rights with their sheep?
Why are are you glad it passed? Why is it your business if gay people get married or not? Personally, I don't like that the stupid and the narrow minded are allowed to get married, but I'm not trying to ban them from being able to do so. That would be discrimination and discrimination is wrong, right? I'm tired of the idiots who say they do this for their kids, too. How does teaching intolerance and bigotry help our kids? My kids, who are 11 and 13 (both boys), have had trouble understanding why people would try to stop gay people from getting married. They understand that it this is unfair. Why don't most adults?
I think that anything concerning minorities should not be voted on by the majority. For example, Brown vs Board of Education was a Supreme Court case. I feel that anything involving gay rights should be handled in the Supreme Court as well.

Whether or not someone is granted civil rights shouldn't be left in the hands of a popular vote. It doesn't seem fair.
Disgusted. Seems like a lot of straight, nasty, bigoted, judgmental people aren't engaged in very satisfying marriages themselves, that they have spare time to try to force their nasty ideology down the throats of the rest of the nation. It's really not anyone's business but the couple's in question.
Prop 8 DEFINES marriage, period.

This is not a gay rights issue or a civil rights issue! It is a parental rights issue.

It was the sensible and correct decision. Same sex marriage is a contradiction. Also, it is a silly childish liberal idea which denies the ';purpose'; of marriage.
Well the people voted for it to be banned so it cannot be faulted for that reason. I am against gay marriage personally.
8 years ago a similar ban passed, but by a MUCH wider margin. History is on our side. I'm sad, but I'm not worried. This issue will never go away until we win it.
I'm glad it passed too.
HOORAY!!!!! We still have parental rights!
i don't care

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